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Our Legacy Museum

The 1929 Rosenwald School Building

Our Legacy Museum History

In 1927, the Fairmont community was created as the first neighborhood in Griffin, 在那里,非洲裔美国人可以购买一块土地建房. Two years later, the Griffin-Spalding Board of Education purchased ten acres of land in Fairmont, 在此基础上,罗森瓦尔德基金支持为非裔美国儿童建立了一所由六名教师组成的学校. 接下来的40年见证了教育的繁荣,1949年建造了两座相邻的新建筑,1958年费尔蒙特高中扩建为一套新的建筑. In the fall of 1970, Griffin-Spalding schools fully integrated, reducing the uses of the Rosenwald School building and adjacent structures. Over time, the school buildings fell into disrepair.

The discussion for site revitalization in Fairmont began as early as 2006, and in 2016, 斯伯丁县的居民通过了一项为实现这一目标提供资金的SPLOST. The project culminated in the creation of Fairmont Vocational Heritage Park, which is anticipated to house a special events facility, a cultural arts center, and Our Legacy: The Griffin-Spalding African-American History Museum upon the park’s completion.

Our Legacy Museum will be housed within the 1929 Rosenwald School building. 该博物馆于2021年5月开始建设,预计将于2024年向公众开放.

Mission Statement


Vision Statement


Interested in supporting Our Legacy Museum? Great! We have many different ways for you to show your support.

我们的遗产博物馆正在收集人们的口述历史,他们可以分享1925年至1975年间格里芬-斯伯丁非洲裔美国人社区的故事. We are interested in narratives about Vocational High School, Fairmont High School, the local Civil Rights movement, desegregation, and everyday life during that time.

如果你是那段时间在格里芬-斯伯丁经历过生活的人的孩子或后代, then we would like to hear from you as well! 请随时与我们分享你的家族历史,并为子孙后代保存它.

We are able to collect oral histories via Zoom and in-person, and we will make every possible accommodation for you to share your story. Please contact us at 770-467-4750 if you have any questions. 

We are collecting clothing items, objects, photos, sports memorabilia, and more to become part of the permanent collection of Our Legacy Museum. 这些物品将被赠予斯伯丁县和博物馆馆长保管并在博物馆展出.* We are specifically interested in the time period of 1925 – 1975, 但我们将保护和保存任何时代的物品,这有助于实现博物馆的使命,即“在地区和国家背景下展示格里芬-斯伯丁非洲裔美国人社区的鼓舞人心的历史和文化经历”.”

Our Legacy Museum will accept both donations and loans for items. Please contact us at 770-467-4750 if you have any questions. 

*我们不能保证每件捐赠的物品都将在博物馆内持续展出. Whether or not an object will be displayed will be determined by the Collections and Interpretation Committees based on current exhibit plans, available space, and the quality of the object.

欢迎您购买荣誉铺路砖,这些砖将被放置在博物馆的景观中, marking your contribution to this project. 您还可以保留历史悠久的费尔蒙健身房的一部分作为您的家庭收藏,并与您所爱的人分享无数的篮球比赛或学校舞会的回忆.


Pieces of Historic Fairmont Gym are limited! Purchase yours before they’re gone!

Bricks and gym floor pieces can be purchased online 以扣账/信用卡付款,或亲身带现金或扣账/信用卡前往康乐及事务署(纪念道843号), the Senior Center (841 Memorial Drive), or Fairmont Community Center (241 Blanton Ave). 

For questions, please call the Leisure Services office at 770-467-4750.

Our Legacy Museum also accepts support in the form of financial gifts. 我们非常感谢您对这个项目的持续支持,再多的支持也不嫌少. Please contact us at 770-467-4750 to know how to make your contribution today. 

What will Our Legacy Museum be about?

我们的遗产博物馆将在地区和国家背景下展示格里芬-斯伯丁非洲裔美国人社区的鼓舞人心的历史和文化经历. The museum will focus primarily on events between 1925 and 1975, 但我们将保留并分享格里芬-斯伯丁1925年之前和1975年之后的非裔美国人历史. 我们希望创造一个空间,让所有背景的后代都能了解他们共同的遗产,并发现他们可以共同实现的目标.

When will the museum open?

Our Legacy Museum is expected to open to the public in 2024.



费尔蒙特职业遗产公园是位于费尔蒙特社区内的斯伯丁县公园, 它目前由正在建设的历史建筑和场地组成. When the park is completed, it is expected to house an event center, a cultural arts space, a greenspace, and Our Legacy Museum.

Our Legacy Museum will be located within the 1929 Rosenwald School building, one of the renovated historic buildings in the park. 博物馆将保存和分享格里芬-斯伯丁的非裔美国人故事.

What is a Rosenwald School?

Julius Rosenwald, President of Sears, Roebuck & Co., established the Rosenwald Fund in 1917. 该基金为非裔美国人社区创建学校提供财政支持. Between 1917 and 1937, over 5,为了给南部各州的非裔美国儿童提供受教育的机会,建造了000所学校. Today, these schools are collectively known as Rosenwald Schools.

I attended Vocational or Fairmont High OR I know someone who did. How can I or they get involved in the museum?

Great! 我们的遗产博物馆正在收集人们的口述历史,他们可以分享1925年至1975年间格里芬-斯伯丁非洲裔美国人社区的故事. We are interested in narratives about Vocational High School, Fairmont High School, the local Civil Rights movement, desegregation, and everyday life during that time. We are also collecting clothing items, objects, photos, sports memorabilia, and more to become part of the permanent collection of Our Legacy Museum. 这些物品将被赠予斯伯丁县和博物馆馆长保管并在博物馆展出. We are specifically interested in the time period of 1925 – 1975, 但我们将保护和保存任何时代的物品,这有助于实现博物馆的使命,即“在地区和国家背景下展示格里芬-斯伯丁非洲裔美国人社区的鼓舞人心的历史和文化经历”.”

Please contact us at 770-467-4750 if you would like to know more! 

Can I donate memorabilia to the museum?

Yes! We are collecting clothing items, objects, photos, sports memorabilia, and more to become part of the permanent collection of Our Legacy Museum. 这些物品将被赠予斯伯丁县和博物馆馆长保管并在博物馆展出. We are specifically interested in the time period of 1925 – 1975, 但我们将保护和保存任何时代的物品,这有助于实现博物馆的使命,即“在地区和国家背景下展示格里芬-斯伯丁非洲裔美国人社区的鼓舞人心的历史和文化经历”.”

I have objects that might fit the mission of the museum. Can I trust that my objects will be protected?

斯伯丁县和博物馆馆长正在采取一切可能的措施,确保捐赠给博物馆的每件物品的长期保存和保护. If you would like to know more about the Collection Management process, please feel free to contact us at 770-467-4750.

Can I financially support Our Legacy Museum?

Our Legacy Museum also accepts support in the form of financial gifts. 我们非常感谢您对这个项目的持续支持,再多的支持也不嫌少. Please contact us at 770-467-4750 to know how to make your contribution today. 

Want to know more? Feel free to email us! We will return your message as soon as possible!

Phone: 770-467-4750

Address: 843 Memorial Dr. Griffin, GA 30224

Help Create Our Legacy Museum!

斯伯丁县目前正在费尔蒙特社区建造我们的遗产:格里芬-斯伯丁非裔美国人历史博物馆! 我们对格里芬-斯伯丁的这个文化项目感到非常兴奋,迫不及待地想要开业.

You have the opportunity to help create Our Legacy Museum. 您今天购买的铺路砖将被放置在博物馆的景观中, marking your contribution to this project. 为您的家庭收藏保存一块历史悠久的费尔蒙健身房,并与您所爱的人分享无数的篮球比赛或学校舞会的回忆.


Pieces of Historic Fairmont Gym are limited! Purchase yours before they’re gone!

Bricks and gym floor pieces can be purchased online 以扣账/信用卡付款,或亲身带现金或扣账/信用卡前往康乐及事务署(纪念道843号), the Senior Center (841 Memorial Drive), or Fairmont Community Center (241 Blanton Ave). 

For questions, please call the Leisure Services office at 770-467-4750.

Construction Photos

1929年的罗森瓦尔德学校建筑需要进行大规模的翻新和维修,以便容纳我们的遗产博物馆. 我们将定期更新这些图像,以便您可以跟随旅程.

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Spalding County, GA